The half-year meeting of Yingde Biological marketing work was successfully held in Qingcheng Mountain

July 10-11, Yingde biological marketing work semi-annual meeting was successfully held in Qingcheng Houshan, the company's management team and the sales staff of each area gathered together to review and summarize the work in the first half of 2021, while the second half of the work arrangement.   Commercial Director Liu Tao presided over the meeting and made a brief report on the achievements of marketing work in the first half of the year. As of June 30, 2021, the revenue of British and German Biomoney has completed 77% of the annual target, and the contract amount has completed 91% of the annual target, taking the lead in achieving double half of the double target.   General Manager Su Xiaodong first affirmed the achievements of the Yingde biological team, praised the relevant personnel and departments for their outstanding work in the first half of the year, and encouraged everyone to continue to carry forward the spirit of overcoming difficulties, laying a solid foundation for the next work. He stressed that the current biopharmaceutical industry is facing opportunities and challenges, we must adhere to customer first, strengthen project management, ensure quality and progress, and improve service capabilities.       Wang Hongli, executive deputy general manager, combined with the successful experience and existing problems in the first half of the company's operation, discussed and proposed a number of management measures with the heads of various departments and districts, aiming to strengthen internal management, optimize the allocation of personnel and materials, improve efficiency and quality, and better serve industry customers.   The sales director and sales manager of each area make marketing work reports respectively, and discuss with the management team the improvement of problems in the work and the improvement of customer service satisfaction. After the meeting, the sales team shared the successful experience and methods of the work in the form of a tea party for everyone, and the sharing will continue until late at night.   We are halfway through 2021. In the next work, Yingde Bio-Ding will take serving users in the biopharmaceutical industry as its mission, and then start to create more brilliant achievements.





"Wartime" mission, "war on epidemic" miracle - Xinhua Medical Yingde Biological to ensure that 1 billion doses of the new coronavirus vaccine expansion project smoothly put into production as scheduled

On May 31, the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products announced that the second phase of the COVID-19 inactivated vaccine expansion project was successfully put into operation, with an annual production capacity of up to 1 billion doses after it is put into operation. The annual production capacity of China's biological COVID-19 vaccine will be greatly increased, and another solid step has been taken to realize the accessibility and affordability of COVID-19 vaccines. 中国生物武汉生物制品研究所新冠灭活疫苗二期扩产项目宣布投产 作为重要工艺系统供应商和优秀施工单位,新华医疗及子公司英德生物在国药集团中国生物武汉生物制品研究所新冠二期项目投产启动仪式上双双被评为“优质合作方”。 新华医疗、英德生物获授“优质合作方”奖牌 今年初,我国推行全民接种疫苗政策,新冠疫苗需求巨大。在国家有关部门的指导协调下,国药集团中国生物武汉生物制品研究所扩产10亿剂次新冠疫苗项目于2021年3月正式启动,全力以赴做好新冠疫苗的供应。该新冠疫苗扩产项目是对现有一栋新建GMP标准化车间厂房进行核心生产线适应性建造。作为该车间厂房原定项目整线供应商,新华医疗迅速响应,全力以赴继续承接该新冠疫苗扩产项目主要工艺系统的设计、制造及安装验证服务。 其中,英德生物承接的包括配液系统、病毒灭活系统、半成品配制系统、超滤及层析等纯化系统、CIP系统等在内的主要罐体工艺系统更是时间紧,任务重。为此,新华医疗制药科技集团管理层第一时间成立专项项目推进工作组,由英德生物常务副总经理王鸿利亲自指挥,采取多项举措,力求保障既定节点。  技术沟通与进度会议   1,迅速响应,生产进入“战时”状态   容器生产团队响应进度需求 该项目近160台套卫生级容器生产任务最为迫切,容器生产进度直接影响整个项目进展。工作组对在建多个项目进行综合梳理,协调优势力量保障该新冠疫苗项目。在领导团队的统一指挥下,英德生物上下齐心,以完成战时任务为己任,全力以赴保障容器生产。 生产进入“战时”状态,组织模式迅速调整。从人员配备,关键材料采购,生产制造进度,进行每日统编管理及公示,生产组织效能充分发挥:   1, 根据项目特点,改变部分工艺制造流程,将相应环节提前进行,减少关键材料对容器施工进度的影响。 2, 通过协调社会资源,容器生产线产能扩大两倍,极大的提升容器生产进度。 3, 增加一线生产人员配备,实行轮班倒,人停机不停,解决瓶颈工序对生产进度的影响。 卫生级容器生产日夜不停 另一方面,武汉生物制品研究所委派项目跟踪团队现场督战,出现问题第一时间得到解决,双方紧密配合,尽一切可能缩短产品交付周期。  卫生级容器陆续如期交付 与此同时,在英德生物自动化创新工作室,自动化控制团队几乎同步进行相关工艺模块的自动化设计与开发工作,确保设备安装就位第一时间进行调试工作。 2,多专业同时施工,优势组织协调应挑战   新冠疫苗车间生物安全等级高,涉及多专业,多人员,多时间点交叉施工的问题,各设备设施进场时间节点也将影响施工进度。 项目施工现场 4月初,英德生物提前成立现场项目部,以应对紧张的安装调试任务。现场项目部配置英德生物当期主要力量,包括项目管理,材料管理,三维技术,自动化控制,施工安装,调试验证等多专业人才。 现场项目部临时会议 现场项目部根据项目需求,化整为零——将项目化分为多个施工区,每个区域按独立项目标准配置相应团队,包括施工经理、技术负责人和施工负责人等。每个区域同时并行完成项目节点,效率提升明显。现场项目部对各个施工区进行统筹协调,监督质量、进度、安全。 材料供给方面,由于时间紧,部分关键材料生产周期限制,项目部对非紧急项目材料进行综合调度,以“战时”使命保障该项目材料及时供应。 现场项目部委派专人对紧缺工机具进行现场审批采购、租赁及管理协调。在项目关键攻坚期,为了保障数万个工艺系统管道的焊接节点,项目部自动化焊机的数量一度达到20余台,氩弧焊焊机120余台,是普通项目常规配置的近10倍。 同时,现场项目部对人员、材料、机具进行统一组织协调管理并进行每日公示,随时应对项目现场需求变化。 3,多方协调,灵活调度,全力保障进度节点   项目开始以来,新华医疗党委书记、董事长、总经理王玉全高度重视,亲自协调焊接团队紧急驰援;新华医疗制药科技集团总经理殷文平亲临现场督导关键材料供应和项目进度;英德生物总经理苏晓东,常务副总经理王鸿利多次奔赴项目现场,为保障项目顺利执行进行统筹规划。 该项目获得省一级政府鼎力支持,在了解到现场施工人员紧缺的情况下,武汉市政府迅速协调武汉钢铁,武汉华伟等相关施工团队驰援,为赢得更多调试验证时间提供了有力保障。 在项目攻坚期,各方人员汇聚,英德生物现场项目部人员一度达到420余人,精确到个人的工序调度保障了项目施工的阶段性胜利。 4,齐心协力 弘扬“两山精神”   在武汉,“火神山、雷神山” 项目团队通力合作,日夜鏖战,与病毒竞速,创造了10天时间建成两座方舱医院的奇迹,为我国抗疫奠定了坚实基础。如今,新华医疗英德生物与行业伙伴并肩,争分夺秒,攻坚克难,不辱使命,用智慧与行动坚守时间节点。 在项目攻坚期,涌现出一幕幕让人铭记的画面:公司管理层多次深入项目现场,与项目施工团队零距离,最大限度地保障项目进度;上阵父子兵——项目团队一对父子分别负责电气施工与自动化控制,工序前后搭档,默契井然;外协驰援团队多方奔赴,不计幸劳,与项目团队共进退。 凌晨,现场项目团队依然坚守 上阵父子兵——电气专业父亲(左)和自控专业儿子(右)默契搭档 武汉钢铁驰援团队迅速进入施工状态  新华医疗驰援团队完成某车间攻坚任务 现场项目部核心团队 “战时”使命,“战疫”奇迹。该新冠灭活疫苗项目的顺利交付,是中国精神、中国速度的再现,是新华医疗英德生物与行业伙伴共同创造的“战疫” 奇迹。 自去年以来,新华医疗英德⽣物已先后为国内十余家新冠疫苗生产企业提供高标准生产装备制造及高生物安全等级生产车间的设计与建造等服务,满足不同新冠疫苗生产路线的需求。当前,在建项目依然紧迫,新华医疗英德⽣物仍需步履不停,勇于担负时代赋予我们的使命与责任,为人民健康事业贡献中国力量。





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